ENDO had successfully completed teacher training in Khamti

Summer Vacation Teacher (SVT) Trainingorganized by ENDO(Eastern Naga Development Organization) from 3rd-20th April has successfully completed in Khamti Township with total number of 83 participants.

Teacher Roles and Responsibilities, Teaching Methods, Learning Styles, Classroom Management, Lesson Planning and Nagamese language were provided during the training.

Kaing Win, a Mobile Teacher Trainer, who is one of the trainers during SVT said, “This my first time to give SVT training and it was a bit challenging for me, especially when giving training to trainees those who’re speaking different languages even though we are all Naga but with different dialects. As you know, we, Naga, have many different tribes and dialects. Therefore, I have to use English as a main language during the training”.

He also states that the trainees were very enthusiastic during training with lively discussion and questions. They gained skills and capabilities to become a better teacher for the children in  Naga areas when they are back to their schools.

In the meantime, another SVT, organized by ENDO, is still ongoing in Lay Shi Township till 26th April.

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